What are the benefits from choosing BmoreSTEM?

While choosing BmoreSTEM there are about nearly a quarter of all jobs in the Baltimore region. Having more than 281,000 jobs altogether. BmoreSTEM jobs require high-level STEM knowledge in at least one STEM field(s).

Where are we now?
BmoreSTEM 1.0 launched on February 19, 2019 with remarks by Dr. Santelises from City Schools and Delali Dzirasa from Fearless. Work is underway for:
- Providing more curriculum-embedded STEM experiences
- Mentoring middle school youth on robotics teams
- Recruiting secondary STEM teachers
- Growing a sustainable STEM Learning Ecosystem
- Nearly a quarter of all jobs in the Baltimore region
- More than 281,000 jobs altogether
- Require high-level STEM knowledge in at least one STEM field
Potential lifetime earnings

Trend Exists with Middle-skill Jobs Too!
Middle-skill STEM jobs represent a significant opportunity for the thousands of unemployed and underemployed people who seek to move into a career that provides a family-supporting wage. In 2011, workers in middle-skill STEM occupations earned 61% more than workers in non-STEM occupations with similar levels of education.

STEM Workers
STEM workers tend to earn more than similarly educated non-STEM workers. In fact, Blacks and Hispanics are underrepresented within STEM jobs. As well, women have made significant gains in life and physical sciences, but in other areas their shares have been stable and in computer jobs it has declined. STEM is more than just about money! What’s your North star?